Workforce Development Committee

Workforce Development Committee

THE WFD Committee was established in 2015

GOAL: Develop a workforce that includes all individuals working with children and families that is trauma-informed

The WFD Committee identified seven core content areas to be included in workforce development efforts to inform, educate, and train others in the complex field of childhood trauma, to provide a common framework for practitioners working with children and families:

  • Introduction to Trauma
  • Nature of Trauma
  • Impact of Trauma on the Child
  • Prevention, Resiliency & Protective Factors
  • Interactions and Interventions with Survivors of Trauma
  • Self-Care and Vicarious Trauma.


Trauma Training Core Content Areas Update and Dissemination

WFD is updating the initial trauma training core content areas


ICTC Cohort Survey

WFD Committee completed an ICTC cohort survey in 2015 and 2017, and initial analysis survey results compiled in 2018. The committee is in process of a deeper analysis of the survey results and possible white paper to broadly disseminate the information.


Carol Gall, Co-chair

Marlita White, Co-chair

Michelle Arnold

Jill Barbre

Angela Baron-Jeffrey

Reshma Desai

Shannon Ellison

Jackie Garlock

Omar Jamil

Eilene Ladson

Allison Lowe-Fotos

Nell McKitrick

Orson Morrison

Meg O’Rourke

Elena Quintana

Tali Raviv

Alli Schuck

Kandace Thomas


Join our Committee and/or one of the Workgroups

Please email [email protected] to learn more and be added to our distribution list for news and upcoming meetings

Send us trauma related “wins”

Share an Intern or Graduate Student to work on WFD Committee projects

Attend one of our meetings.